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How long is a session?

An adult session is a minimum of 1 hour 15 minutes long & a child’s session is 1 hour long. Children can be more sensitive to energy healing so for that reason, the session time is shorter.

What do I need to do during a healing session?

You don’t need to do anything! If you would like to be notified when I’m about to start your healing, I can let you know. You can then sit or lie down somewhere comfortable & quiet where you won’t be disturbed so you can relax & tune into the energy. I recommend having a large drink of water nearby too. However, you can also just go about your day during the healing.

What types of things can I work on during a session?

You may have a specific physical or emotional issue you would like to work on, for example a pain or illness, or an emotional issue such as holding anger, anxiety or depression or a limiting belief. We can focus our attention on a particular symptom/issue & see what energetic blocks are identified. You may also wish to be non specific & identify & release for optimal health & wellbeing & see what the subconscious would like to bring to our attention. We can also do focused belief work, ancestral healing, past life healing or chakra tuning.

How much personal information will I need to share with you?

This is completely up to you. It is helpful for me to have relevant background information & history, however, energy healing is not talk therapy, we are literally identifying & releasing the energy of the imbalances. When I identify an imbalance I will tell you what it is & the age you were when the imbalance occurred plus any other information that I feel is necessary for healing.

How do you connect to my energy in a session?

Everything is energy, we are energy, intention is energy. With the power of intention I connect to your energy using a photograph, then I check to make sure I have a strong & clear energetic connection using a healing pendulum to establish your personal energy wavelength. The amazing thing about energy healing is that it can be carried out over distance, we can be on opposite sides of the world & it works just the same as if we were in the same room. 

What is a pendulum?

In a session I will use a healing pendulum with specific questioning to identify imbalances & then I will clear & release the imbalance energetically.

The pendulum acts as a receiver & transmitter of information, & moves in different ways in response to questions from your higher guidance/the subconscious mind (Mental Radiesthesia) or it moves in connection to various energetic frequencies (Physical Radiesthesia). See Energy Healing for more information on Radiesthesia.

How do you release the imbalance?

To release or correct an energetic imbalance, I use the power of intention & a combination of techniques. First, I release the energy with a healing pendulum. Second, I use visualisation to release the energy into a flame to be transmuted into love & light & then I send that love & light healing energy back to the client working with the heart chakra. Everything connects back to the heart. I use Resonance therapy and Healy to identify the best support to use for optimal wellbeing.

Will I feel anything during the session?

Everyone is different. Some people can feel energy moving in the body which may feel tingly or they may feel warm or cold sensations, or hear buzzing or ringing sounds. However, most people won’t notice any feelings or sensations during the session, energy healing is a gentle technique, suitable for all ages. 

How will I feel after the session?

Again everyone is different. The majority feel calm, lighter, less burdened & peaceful. Physical symptoms often decrease or sometimes disappear, emotional issues can change & become more manageable. Some might notice a major shift after 1 session, in others it may be take longer. 

The processing time is the amount of time it takes for the energy to settle after the session & is usually between 1 & 3 days. Around 20% of people experience processing symptoms after the session where they might feel some integration effects. They may feel some echoes of the emotions that were released or feel tired or out of sorts emotionally. The processing symptoms don’t typically last for more than a couple of days & they are usually very mild. 

Please note, energy healing is not a substitute for seeing your Doctor.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.